Niteflirt Pay to Views
This is a feature on one of my most popular Pay to Views or rather Gay to Views on Niteflirt. I first developed a Gay Brainwashing two level plan to Gay Brainwash men into becoming ultra faggots. As a caveat, I warn men it’s irreversible. Now, by popular request I developed an even faster way to go gay, in only 24 hours! Everyone wants instant gratification and my InstaGAY PTV will give you fag wannabe’s just that. You will turn gay in 24 hours and there is no way back to straight! I always warn guys about my InstaGAY plan that my sexual reprogramming is powerful and cannot be undone.
Gay Mind-Bending
I have learned mind-bending techniques while studying brainwashing, erotic hypnosis and mind control and have employed them to the max to compress the amount of time it takes to go gay and stay gay, as in gay forever. If you are bi-curious or enjoy mind-warping assignments to “twist your mental”, you need to buy this PTV on Niteflirt and go gay in 24 hours for me!